Contact us.

Executive Director - John Smith
(970) 975-3567
Ridgway, CO

Board of Directors -

Ms. Cassie Brouillard, MDiv

Mr. Matthew Chicoine

Ms. Anne Masters, PhD, FAAID

Fr. Matthew Schneider, LC, STL, SThD

Ms. Cathryn Sheldon, PhD

Fr. James Smith, MDiv

Mr. Michael Ware, OP (3rd)

Mrs. Kimberly Zubillage, MSW

Join the Community.

St. Joseph

March 19

Patron Saint of the Universal Church and Husband to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Theotokos. We hope to honor his legacy of intercession as we meet on Wednesdays (his traditional day) and we beg him to accompany each one of us in our Autistic Catholic journeys until we meet him face-to-face in heaven.

St. James

July 25

Elder brother to St. John the Evangelist (my personal patron), this “Son of Thunder” lives as the Patron to Spain and so many great spiritual fathers in our world. On his feastday, he inspired me to begin discernment on this new apostolate to Autistic Catholics in the United States. Thanks, brother!

St. Teresa of Jesus

October 15

She is the Doctor of Prayer and Mother of contemporary Carmelite spiritual life. We beg her intercession as we hope our bishops, priests, and deacons will continue to search how to better understand and integrate Autistic Catholics throughout the dioceses and eparchies of the United States.

St. Therese of the Child Jesus

October 1

This little saint recognized, in her littleness, the love that God would form in her soul to sustain and share with the whole world. She must be a friend to Autistic Catholics as we live, like her, so hopefully sustained by the grace of God through the three Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity.

St. Dominic

August 8

The apostle of Truth, Dominicans share in the holy mission to preach the Truth as their raison d’etre. John Smith received his Autism diagnosis on the feast of this holy saint, 8 August 2023.

Guardian Angels

October 2

Autistic Catholics®, will be launched on the holy Feast of the Guardian Angels (2 October 2024). Each of them accompany each one of us on our unique Autistic Catholic journey and truly see us as we are. Friends in Faith, Hope, and Charity given to us as gifts from above and leading us to more fully know Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit and drawing us deeper into the wellspring of Love who is God, Our Father.