Impact Autistic Catholics Across the USA

Saint Joseph Society

Monthly recurring gifts form the basis for our financial planning.

Building a budget and planning for each fiscal year is supported through the consistent giving of those in the St. Joseph Society.

Please consider a gift of $50, $100, $250 monthly to support Autistic Catholics who seek to impact the life of the Church.

Hierarchy of Gifts

Every gift impacts and advances the mission of Autistic Catholics. Below is a chart of giving scaling that impact:

Seraphim $100,000+

Cherubim $50,000+

Thrones $25,000+

Dominions $10,000+

Virtues $5,000+

Powers $2,500+

Principalities $1,000+

Archangels. $500+

Angels Up to $500

Support | Encouragement | Gift

Each financial gift will be carefully stewarded in order to impact the most Autistic Catholics.

Gifts will be fully tax-deductible once 501(c)(3) status has been fully granted.

Until then, we simply thank you for your generosity!